Dreaming of becoming a teacher? Exclusive scholarship opportunity from Weston Governors University!
Eastern Illinois University/Department of Educational Leadership-
Seats are NOW OPEN for Spring 2021 in 'new' Decatur (ROE39) cohort (Richland CC)
See the link below:
Congratulations to Mrs. Weidner and Monticello CUSD #25. Great to see one of our districts doing so well!
Exciting news! Doug Reeves will be doing two virtual series with NCISC.
Moving Beyond Conversations About Race Series &
100 Day Leader Series
See the link below for registration information:
Dr. Lionel Allen, Jr., founder of ed LEADERS MATTER, facilitated the first Leadership Coaching and Networking session with area principals and assistant principals. Dr. Allen’s work is nationally recognized, and we are excited to connect him with our area leaders!
![Leaders sitting in cafetorium](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/981585/large_1600303154000.jpeg)
![Dr. Lionel Allen, Jr.](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/981586/large_1600303155000.jpeg)
![Dr. Lionel Allen, Jr.](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/981584/large_1600303154000.jpeg)
Want To Be A Teacher? There are online programs with teaching certification in as little as 9 months available right now! Contact Dee Williams at dwilliams@roe39.k12.il.us for more information.
![picture of woman with apple on top of head](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/978599/large_teacher-certification__2_.jpg)
Are you interested in working as a Substitute Teacher in Macon-Piatt counties? Click the link below for more information. https://www.maconpiattroe.org/o/roe39/page/how-to-become-a-substitute-teacher
![Substitute Teachers Needed](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/971951/large_Substitutes_Needed.jpg)
FREE Ag in the Classroom Zoom or Recorded Presentations! Register today at www.MaconCFB.org - spots are limited! Questions? Email jennifer@maconcfb.org. Please register by September 30.
![MCFB Logo](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/965963/large_1599612648000.jpeg)
Discounts now available for new testers to GED and HiSet. For more information, please contact MaryLynn Mann at ROE #39 at 217-872-3721 or email at mlmann@roe39.k12.il.us
Macon County Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom has FREE Ag Mags for your classroom! Visit www.MaconCFB.org to submit an Ag Mag Request Form, and you will receive Ag Mags at your school within 1-2 weeks. Questions? Contact Jennifer at jennifer@maconcfb.org
Early Enrollment is now open for the 2020-2021 Scripps National Spelling Bee. Schools registering before Oct 16th receive a discount. Final enrollment is due December 20, 2020. Scripps will have more information available regarding a virtual Bee in early September.
Short-Term Substitute Training (online)
Thursday, September 24, 2020
This training will be held online via ZOOM
$25 Registration Fee
For more info:
![picture of the words Workshop and Training](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/945973/large_workshop.jpg)
License Renewal 2020 - SB 1569 extends licenses up for renewal this year by one year. On September 1st, license cycles will be pushed forward one additional year. Educators will need to register for their year extension. Contact dwilliams@roe39.k12.il.us for more information.
Lisa Schwartz from the Learning Technology Center has recorded her Google trainings on her YouTube channel. This is great training for substitute teachers or any teachers needing to learn Google basics!
![Lisa’s YouTube Channel](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/937315/large_1597939812000.jpeg)
An excellent book for kids on dealing with stress. Visit https://books.puppydogsandicecream.com/landers/rightnow.fine/07.24.20/?utm_source=JK&utm_campaign=FB_Page_Post.07.24.20&utm_medium=facebook&utm_content=1735
![Right Now. I Am Fine.](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/929882/large_1597415524000.jpeg)
Hi-Set Test Dates at Macon Piatt ROE #39 will be Sept 8, Sept 23, Oct 6, Oct 20, Nov 10, and Dec 8, 2020. Please visit the following link to register:
All Macon- Piatt county public school re-opening plans can be found at the following link: https://www.maconpiattroe.org/o/roe39/page/return-to-school-plans. Any questions may be directed to the individual district.
Please join the DuPage ROE and their partners, Illinois Civics in a 4-part series Courageous Conversations: Race, Equity, Justice and Progress. The series will explore how to have courageous conversations at home, in the classroom, and in the community. Free PD hours are available through the DuPage ROE for Illinois educators. Visit www.dupageroe.org for more information.
![Flyer page 1](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/903920/large_1594653664000.jpeg)
![Flyer page 2](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/903921/large_1594653664000.jpeg)
All Macon-Piatt school districts are in the process of establishing protocols for the upcoming school year. As of today every district plans to hold in-person instruction.
HiSet Testing now available at Macon Piatt ROE #39 on July 28 and August 11, 2020. Please click on the following for more information on how to register through ICCB: https://www.iccb.org/adult_ed/illinois-high-school-equivalency/students-test-takers/the-hiset-test/